National Beverage Day

Do you have a favorite beverage?

6 May


Martin Lindeskog

Martin Lindeskog

Deborah Anderson

Deborah Anderson

Tea or Diet Coke :)
Martin Lindeskog

Martin Lindeskog (Edited)

@Deborah Anderson Thanks for your input! Great to hear that you like tea! I don't drink so much soft drinks (do you say pop?), but I had "Cuba Cola" some time ago.
Deborah Anderson

Deborah Anderson (Edited)

@Martin Lindeskog I drink quite a bit of both. But I do love my cups of tea. I call Diet Coke soda. I was born and raised in Minnesota, and there it is called "pop," but when I moved to California, they laughed at me because it is called soda there. Now, no matter where I am, I tend to call it soda, and they laugh at me when I go "home" to Minnesota because I call it soda instead of pop. But that is ok; I am glad they get a good laugh over the words I use. :D
Martin Lindeskog

Martin Lindeskog

@Deborah Anderson Good for you! :)
Deborah Anderson

Deborah Anderson

Thank you, Martin. That was very interesting! Many things that I did not know about certain beverages. Very informative! Thank you.
Martin Lindeskog

Martin Lindeskog

@Deborah Anderson Thanks for your positive feedback and interaction during the live event! I will publish the recording on YouTube, Rumble, Odysee, and Vimeo, in the future. Have you heard about the PeerTube network?
Deborah Anderson

Deborah Anderson

@Martin Lindeskog I haven't. I look forward to hearing more.
Martin Lindeskog

Martin Lindeskog

Link to the recording:

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